The Shivisi App

The Shivisi App

Computers are the most incredible devices. Yet they are also the most abused devices too. When you are having a hard day and then your PC freezes or does things you never asked it to, we tend to put the blame on the computer. We will curse it whether out loud or in our minds. Sometimes even threatening it, other times almost smashing the screen etc. (more…)...
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Deploying to Azure – part 1, Creating a build pipeline

Deploying to Azure – part 1, Creating a build pipeline

Ever since I started using Azure DevOps for source control, I always looked at Azure hosting as a scary monster! It looked huge and menacing. I would think of it as a great tool for someone who spends many hours learning all the ins and outs of it. However having since deployed my first website to Azure web app hosting, I find myself looking at Azure in a new way. (more…)...
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